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- How Not to Motivate Overweight Friends
Posted by : bmahfood
Saturday, July 27, 2013
I've long held the conviction that people being critical of my unhealthy weight did not help me in the least. Family, friends, doctors, anyone who just felt compelled to confront me on the fact that I was fat and ate too much, utterly failed to motivate me to change. Why? Because my problem was never one of motivation. And I believe this is true for most people who struggle with weight issues. The article below makes the point and will be a great one for you and people you know to read and understand.
Overweight people who said they'd experienced discrimination based on weight were more than twice as likely to be obese four years later than people who didn't mention such discrimination.Don't try to pretend your gibes and judgments of the overweight people in your life are for their own good. Florida researchers have evidence that discriminating against fat people only makes them fatter.
"People often rationalize that it's OK to discriminate based on weight because it will motivate the victim to lose pounds," Angelina Sutin, a psychologist at the Florida State College of Medicine in Tallahassee, tells Shots. "But our findings suggest the opposite."
Sutin and a colleague checked survey data from more than 6,000 American men and women age 50 and older who were asked how often in their daily lives they experienced different types of discrimination. Examples ranged from discourtesy or refusal of restaurant service to not getting a job or promotion.
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